Сергей Сумленный пишет:
За две недели до выборов немецкий парламент оправдал-таки солдат, казненных нацистами за непочтение к Гитлеру, разговоры с пленными, а также ведение политически неграмотных дневников. 64 года понадобилось, чтобы подтвердить на законодательном уровне: снятие со стены портрета Гитлера не является преступлением, караемым смертью.
It is a fact that many captured German units were secretly kept in readiness for possible use against the Red Army. Churchill, who not without reason had a high opinion of the fighting quality of the German soldiers, gave Field Marshall Montgomery an order to that effect during the last days of the war, as he was to acknowledge publicly much later in November 1954. He arranged for Wehrmacht troops who had surrendered in northwest Germany and in Norway to retain their uniforms and even their weapons, and to remain under the command of their own officers, because he thought of their potential use in hostilities against the Soviets. In the Netherlands, German units that had surrendered to the Canadians were even allowed to use their own weapons on May 13, 1945, to execute two of their own deserters.
Более подробно вопрос раскрывается в статье "Жертвы обстоятельств: казни дезертиров в капитулировавшей немецких войсках" (на английском).
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